Full Stack Developer

Email: njokanmadon@gmail.com
Phone Number: +234 818 105 0125


Experienced Web Developer adept in all stages of advanced web development. Knowledgeable in user interface, testing, and debugging processes.Proficient in an assortment of technologies, including JavaScript,React, Node.js,Bootstrap, MongoDB, HTML, CSS, etc.

Employment History

Aug 2022 - Present - Software developer/Educator,Code 4Teen Labs
At Code 4Teen labs, we aim to implement coding as a subject being taken in schools as part of the curriculum. My role at code 4Teen labs is to help in the training of ICT teachers of different schools by teaching them how to code so as to help in the implementation of coding as a subject. I'm also sent out by the company to different schools to teach coding to students.

Jan 2019 - Present - FullStack Developer,Freelance
As a freelance Full Stack developer, I have built several personal websites that I have posted on my GitHub and hosted using various technologies.I see building persona sites and projects as a way of testing and improving your skills as a developer which is what I aim to do everyday.

Feb 2022 - May 2022 - Software Developer Intern,Lagos State Registration Agency (LASRRA)
Internship done at Lagos State Registration Agency (LASRRA). I worked here as a front-end developer in the IT department for 3 months during an internship. I was mentored by the employees there I worked in data handling, collection and storage.My role there was to collect data and input into the database and also to handle errors and bugs that affected the database.


Jun 2019 - Dec 2019 - Certificate of Completion,Udemy
I took courses from Udemy during my learning process to help improve my skills as a developer. After completion of these courses, I received a certificate of Completion and acknowledgment stating that I had completed the courses.















FrontEnd Projects

Netflix Clone

Netflix clone built with ReactJs with using JavaScript, Material UI and rest APIs deployed using firebase tools.

Hulu Clone

Hulu clone built with ReactJs with using JavaScript, Material UI, react hooks and rest APIs deployed using firebase tools.

Tesla App

Tesla clone built with ReactJs with using JavaScript, Material UI, react hooks and Redux using firebase tools.

Disney plus Clone

Disney clone built with ReactJs with using JavaScript, Material UI, react hooks and Redux. User Authentication handled by firebase tools and Redux. Firestore real-time database used to store data. Deployed using firebase tools.

AirBnB App

AirBnB cloned with ReactJs. Material-UI was essential in getting tools and icons used in the production of this project. Real good and responsive UI/UX. Deployed using firebase tools.

WhatsApp Project

Real time chat app created to resemble WhatsApp where group chats can be formed at you can communicate with different people. Authentication and deployment handled by firebase tools using Firestore as a real time database.

BackEnd Projects

Social Media API

Built a full back-end rest API for a social media application using the Node.js, Express and MongoDB as the database. Fully functional back-end built to handle all required methods in a social media application that can be called in the front-end part of the application.

e-commerce API

Built a full back-end rest API for an ecommerce app using the Node.js,Express and MongoDB as the database. The back-end was designed to handle the functionalities of an ecommerce website which includes check-out and payment.