FullStack Web developer skilled in JavaScript, ReactJs, HTML, CSS, BOOTSRAP...


Neflix Clone

Netflix clone built with ReactJs with using JavaScript, Material UI and rest APIs deployed using firebase tools

AirBnB clone

AirBnB cloned with ReactJs. Material-UI was essential in getting tools and icons used in the production of this project. Real good and responsive UI/UX. Deployed using firebase tools

Hulu Clone

Hulu clone built with ReactJs with using JavaScript, Material UI, react hooks and rest APIs deployed using firebase tools


Real time chat app created to resemble WhatsApp where group chats can be formed at you can communicate with different people. Authentication and deployment handled by firebase tools using Firestore as a real time database.

Tesla App

Tesla clone built with ReactJs with using JavaScript, Material UI, react hooks and Redux using firebase tools

DisneyPlus App

Disney clone built with ReactJs with using JavaScript, Material UI, react hooks and Redux. User Authentication handled by firebase tools and Redux. Firestore real-time database used to store data. Deployed using firebase tools

Blog App API

Full Blog app Rest API built using NodeJs, ExpressJs and MongoDB as datebase. Functionalities include: creating, updating and deleting a user, creating, updating and deleting posts...

Social Media API

Full Social Media app Rest API built using NodeJs, ExpressJs and MongoDB as datebase. Functionalities include: creating, updating and deleting a user, creating, updating and deleting posts, folowing and unfollowing users, liking and unliking posts..